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Multiple save :( - Printable Version

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Multiple save :( - bobykurniawan - 01-26-2015

Goodday, please check my script first. I'll explain later.

PHP Code:
function detailsave($idshipping NULL)
$table 'sidetail';
$data = array();            
$_POST['gname'] as $symb => $key)
$data = array('idshipping' => $idshipping,
 'goodname' => $_POST['gname'][$symb],
 'nettweight' => $_POST['gnweight'][$symb],
 'grossweight' => $_POST['ggweight'][$symb],
 'qty' => $_POST['gqty'][$symb]
I've been surfing in internet to search about how to fix error in my script. And i found tutorial about insert_batch. Well, i try with that method but still fail.  bunch of warnings appeared when i try the code above

RE: Multiple save :( - Rufnex - 01-27-2015

You have to fill your array properly :

PHP Code:
$data[] = array( .... 

RE: Multiple save :( - sv3tli0 - 01-27-2015

Lets say you have 3 possible problems..

1st as Rufnex said at the foreach you must store:
PHP Code:
$data[] = array (......); 
This way you will have Array of arrays , at the moment you have just 1lvl array which is not valid for multiple inserts...

2nd is that you are using $_POST while CodeIgniter provides you with a $this->input->post method which is secured for manipulating input data..

3rd you must be ready for the case where the post is empty... else you can try to insert empty $data ...