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Conflicts with XAMPP vs local install of components? - Printable Version

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Conflicts with XAMPP vs local install of components? - VF1J - 03-10-2024

Am going through a CodeIgniter tutorial and was advised by instructor on first developing locally and then deploying to hosting My local environs is Ubuntu 22.04. Initially, I installed PHP and Apache2, but realized the instructor specified XAMPP. If I were to install XAMPP, should I first purge all local php and apache2 installs or will the two play together nicely and I ought to be able to run everything smooth?

RE: Conflicts with XAMPP vs local install of components? - kenjis - 03-10-2024

You cannot run two Apache with listening the same port at the same time.
That's all.

But you don't seem to be familiar with Ubuntu. Then it might be less confusing to remove what you don't use.
You can remove the Ubuntu Apache and PHP and install them again later.

RE: Conflicts with XAMPP vs local install of components? - VF1J - 03-10-2024

"You cannot run two Apache with listening the same port at the same time. That's all." <----This is helpful.
"But you don't seem to be familiar with Ubuntu." <-----Not so helpful.

People use computers for different reasons. Sometimes the reasons change.

Thanks for the helpful stuff.