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best practice: recurring events - Printable Version

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best practice: recurring events - JanFromHamburg - 06-05-2024

Hi everone, 

I administrate events with CI4 and would like to make some of them recurring events.
What is best practice to do that? Would I insert copies of the event for each time to the database? If so, for how many years? Or shall I set active years and if I add a new year I look up all active events and copy them to the full new year?
Are there any tricky ways to manage this? How have you done it? And if you have not done it, have you got a good idea how to do it?

Best, Jan

RE: best practice: recurring events - kenjis - 06-05-2024

This is not an easy question.

Here is an answer by Claude 3 Sonnet.

Managing recurring events in a database can be a bit tricky, but there are a few common approaches you can take. Here are some options to consider:

1. **Separate Table for Recurring Events**: You can create a separate table specifically for recurring events, where each row represents a recurrence pattern (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, yearly). This table would have columns for the event details, recurrence pattern, start date, end date (if applicable), and any other relevant metadata. When displaying the events, you would query both the regular events table and the recurring events table, and generate the individual event instances based on the recurrence patterns.

2. **Event Instances Table**: Another approach is to have a separate table that stores all the individual event instances. When a new recurring event is created, you can generate and insert all the instances for a specific time period (e.g., 1 year, 2 years, or more) into this table. This method can become resource-intensive for events with high recurrence rates or long time periods, as the number of rows in the table can grow rapidly.

3. **Serialized Recurrence Pattern**: Instead of storing individual event instances, you can store the recurrence pattern in a serialized format (e.g., JSON or YAML) in a column of the main events table. When displaying the events, you can deserialize the pattern and generate the instances on the fly. This approach can be more efficient in terms of storage, but it may require more processing power to generate the instances.

4. **Event Generation on Demand**: Another option is to store only the base event and its recurrence pattern in the main events table. When a user requests to view events for a specific date range, you can generate the individual event instances on the fly, based on the recurrence pattern and the requested date range. This approach can be efficient in terms of storage, but it may require more processing power and can be less performant for large date ranges or complex recurrence patterns.

Regarding the number of years to store or generate event instances, it depends on your specific use case and the expected volume of events. It's generally recommended to strike a balance between storage requirements and performance considerations. You could start with a reasonable time frame (e.g., 1 or 2 years) and adjust as needed.

As for best practices, it's recommended to separate the logic for generating and managing recurring events from the main event handling code. This can be done by creating dedicated classes, services, or libraries specifically for handling recurrence patterns and event instance generation.

Additionally, caching can be employed to improve performance, especially for frequently accessed event instances or date ranges. You can cache the generated instances for a specific time period, reducing the need to generate them on every request.

In summary, there are several approaches to managing recurring events in a database, each with its own trade-offs in terms of storage, performance, and complexity. The best approach will depend on your specific requirements, the expected volume of events, and the recurrence patterns you need to support. Regardless of the approach you choose, it's essential to separate the recurring event management logic from the main application code and consider caching strategies for improved performance.