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Login issue on huge traffic - Printable Version

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Login issue on huge traffic - sagarsutar - 06-06-2024

Hi there,

I have an app built using CI3. The login function works but when simultaneously a huge traffic tries to login it fails for some of them. 
Currently I am unaware of why that happens. It happens even though they are using correct credentials. If traffic is less then they are not facing any issues.
My concern is why it fails for only few of them. I am using CI3 query builder to generate query.

RE: Login issue on huge traffic - warcooft - 06-06-2024

I have experienced something similar, the problem is usually the system cannot write the session file causing the user to always be redirected to the login page even though the credentials are valid

RE: Login issue on huge traffic - sagarsutar - 06-06-2024

Hi @warcooft Thanks for replying. Is there any way to deal with this kind of situation? Actually it is one of my very serious clients.

RE: Login issue on huge traffic - demyr - 06-07-2024

Do you use anything like php-fpm or swoole for more connections at the same time? There is CodeIgniter4-Burner for Ci4 on github, maybe you can find sth for CI 3 as well

RE: Login issue on huge traffic - sagarsutar - 06-10-2024

Hi @demyr, Thanks for your response. No I am not using php-fpm or swoole. Let me just get onto this. I will surely be replying in this thread.

RE: Login issue on huge traffic - sagarsutar - 06-14-2024

Hi Guys, Now that being said How can we implement this on server for apps built using ci3? Any blog or video link will be appreciable.