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CodeIgniter 5 come out ? - Printable Version

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CodeIgniter 5 come out ? - alexis007_2 - 06-26-2024


When the new version of CodeIgniter 5 will come out ?

Best Regard.

RE: CodeIgniter 5 come out ? - InsiteFX - 06-26-2024

When the Development Team says it's ready.

RE: CodeIgniter 5 come out ? - alexis007_2 - 06-27-2024

Is there an approximate release date (Mouth or Year) ?

RE: CodeIgniter 5 come out ? - ozornick - 06-27-2024

What's wrong with the current release?

RE: CodeIgniter 5 come out ? - alexis007_2 - 06-27-2024

I hope that the futur version of CodeIgniter is full compatible with PHP 8 and integrate a template engine for view.

RE: CodeIgniter 5 come out ? - ozornick - 06-27-2024

Twig? It is already available
PHP8 supported

RE: CodeIgniter 5 come out ? - kenjis - 06-27-2024

CI4 is full compatible with PHP 8.3.

CI4 has a simple template engine.
View Parser — CodeIgniter 4.5.3 documentation

Also, you can use major template engines.