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Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - Printable Version

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Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - pratibha.cts - 07-04-2024

I am using shield for Authorization, I have created API to send magic login link, email receives with magic link. when I click on link, it's makes the user login.
Earlier this whole process was working fine, but now suddenly stopped. 
I tried to test the default links as well, that too not working. Showing "Unable to verify the link." error

Below is my code
PHP Code:
public function forgotPassword() {
        $currentLang $this->request->getVar("lang") ?? DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;

        $rules = [
            "email"      => "required|valid_email"

            $response = [
                "status"    => false,
                "message"  => $this->validator->getErrors(),
                "data"      => []
        } else {

            $userEmail $this->request->getVar('email');
            $users auth()->getProvider();
$users->findByCredentials(['email' => $userEmail]);

                $firstName $user->first_name;

                // Generate a unique token
                $token bin2hex(random_bytes(16));

                // Store the token in the user's session or any temporary storage
                $session session();

                // Generate the magic link URL
                $magicLinkUrl site_url("api/magic-login/{$token}");

                // sending email  here

                $response = [
                    "status"    => true,
                    //"message"  => 'Magic link sent on your email. Please login with this link and update your password.',
                    "message"  => lang('App.forgot_success'),
                    "data"      => ['magic_link_url' => $magicLinkUrl]
            } else {
                $response = [
                    "status"    => false,
                    "message"  => lang('App.email_notExist'),
                    "data"      => []

        return $this->respondCreated($response);

Here is my code to verify link
PHP Code:
public function magicLogin($token)
        $currentLang $this->request->getVar("lang") ?? DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
// Retrieve the token from the URL parameter
        // Validate the token, you may check it against the session or temporary storage
        $session session();
        $storedToken $session->get('magic_link_token');

        if ($token === $storedToken) {
            // Token is valid, log the user in
            $user auth()->user();

            $token $user->generateAccessToken(SECRET_KEY);
            $auth_token $token->raw_token;

            // Return a success message as a JSON response
            $response = [
                "status"    => true,
                "message"  => lang('App.login_success'),
                "data"      => ['token' => $auth_token]
        } else {
            // Invalid token
            $response = [
                "status"    => false,
                "message"  => lang('App.invalid_link'),
                "data"      => []

        return $this->respondCreated($response);

Please guide what is the issue. I searched alot regarding this, but didn't find anything regarding this.

RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - InsiteFX - 07-05-2024

Please Read:
CodeIgniter 4 Users Guide - IncomingRequest Class - getVar()

RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - pratibha.cts - 07-05-2024

Thanks for the reply, I understand this link helpful to validate the incoming request, But I can't under how this resolve my issue.
Here is the old screenshot of my code execution, by using the magic link, I was able to authorise the user.

I am not understanding how does code stopped working suddenly.

RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - startup - 07-05-2024

Shield is too complicated to implement when connected to a project for a beginner

RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - InsiteFX - 07-05-2024

@pratibha.cts, I see nothing wrong with your code, I said the above because they say not to use getVar anymore.

Can you check and make sure that your email is working, google has been making email login changes that effect this.

RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - luckmoshy - 07-06-2024

Google does not allow less security if they now use API which is the main reason it was from my side too

RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - InsiteFX - 07-06-2024

You can use your internet providers SMTP Mail server if you have internet connection.

I have Comcast and I use their SMTP Mail server for testing my emails.

RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - pratibha.cts - 07-07-2024


I checked the process today again on web and postman, there is no issue with email receiving. I received email on my gmail account.

getting this error in postman.

RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - InsiteFX - 07-09-2024

Are you using the newest version of postman, they had problems with some older versions.

Your Error is stating that the token is NULL.

Check your generateToken() method etc.

RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4 - pratibha.cts - 07-09-2024

(07-05-2024, 10:51 PM)InsiteFX Wrote: @pratibha.cts, I see nothing wrong with your code, I said the above because they say not to use getVar anymore.

Can you check and make sure that your email is working, google has been making email login changes that effect this.

(07-09-2024, 10:15 PM)InsiteFX Wrote: Are you using the newest version of postman, they had problems with some older versions.

Your Error is stating that the token is NULL.

Check your generateToken() method etc.

Yes.... I am using latest postman version, the issue is not only in postman, token in verifying on web page also
Here you can see token and stored token is same

web screenshots

Issue Screenshot

the line creating issue is working in other functions, but not working here

Please help.