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sitemap question - Printable Version

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sitemap question - Gardyloo - 07-28-2024

I have a dynamic website designed with Codeigniter 3 and I am working on the sitemap part as a newbie.
I found the library sitemap-php from evert/sitemap-php but I can't make it run.
From now this is what I did, I put the Sitemap.php file into my library folder
In my controller I enter the following
PHP Code:
public function Sitemap(){
$sitemap = new Sitemap('');
$sitemap->setPath('/public_html/Sitemap/'); // I created a folder Sitemap into my public folder

Then when I go to, I have an error 404.

Could you guide me to solve my issue.

RE: sitemap question - ozornick - 07-29-2024

Try path /Sitemap/sitemap.xml
And see in file manager where real file located