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Analyzing Design Patterns in CodeIgniter 4 - Printable Version

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Analyzing Design Patterns in CodeIgniter 4 - Renta Ardhana - 08-29-2024

CodeIgniter 4 employs several design patterns to enhance code organization, reusability, and maintainability. Here my note of the (7+2) prominent patterns:

1. Singleton Pattern
Purpose: Ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.
Usage: CodeIgniter's CI_Loader class is a classic example of a singleton. It's used to load other classes and components within the framework.

2. Dependency Injection
Purpose: Promotes loose coupling between classes by passing dependencies as parameters to constructors or methods.
Usage: CodeIgniter uses dependency injection to inject necessary services into controllers and other classes. For instance, a controller might be injected with a database connection or a session handler.

3. Front Controller Pattern
Purpose: Centralizes request handling and routing.
Usage: The index.php file in CodeIgniter acts as the front controller. It intercepts all incoming requests, routes them to the appropriate controller, and handles the response.

4. Model-View-Controller (MVC) PatternĀ  Big Grin
Purpose: Separates concerns into three interconnected components: Model (data), View (presentation), and Controller (logic).
Usage: CodeIgniter adheres to the MVC architecture. Controllers handle user requests, models interact with data, and views present the output.

5. Observer Pattern
Purpose: Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.
Usage: While not explicitly implemented in CodeIgniter's core, the observer pattern can be used to implement features like caching or event handling.

6. Factory Pattern
Purpose: Provides a way to create objects without specifying their exact class.
Usage: CodeIgniter's CI_Loader class can be seen as a factory for creating instances of other classes based on their names.

7. Facade Pattern
Purpose: Provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem.
Usage: While not a direct implementation, CodeIgniter's CI_Loader class can be considered a facade, simplifying the process of loading and accessing various components.

- Middleware: CodeIgniter's middleware functionality can be seen as an application of the Chain of Responsibility pattern.
- Routing: The routing system in CodeIgniter employs a combination of patterns, including the Strategy pattern for different routing methods and the Composite pattern for grouping routes.

Are you interested in diving deeper into CodeIgniter 4 patterns used?

RE: Analyzing Design Patterns in CodeIgniter 4 - kenjis - 08-30-2024

CI_Loader and Middleware do not exists in CI4.
Probably Middleware means Controller Filters, but what is CI_Loader ?

RE: Analyzing Design Patterns in CodeIgniter 4 - Renta Ardhana - 08-30-2024

What I mean by CI_loader is like the way we load libraries, helpers, views, models.

Middleware, perhaps like filters (before and after controller flow), Codeigniter Shield?


RE: Analyzing Design Patterns in CodeIgniter 4 - kenjis - 09-05-2024

model() and config() are wrappers for Factories.
Factories instantiate a specified class and share the instance.