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[DISCUSSION] - wanna join to - Printable Version

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[DISCUSSION] - wanna join to - ddevsr - 10-23-2024

After reading blog on rector-is-joining-open-source-pledge, I'm interested in making this thread, even though Codeigniter is actually community-based. And the goal is maintain small footprint for light and fast. As i see it, core member have another work, There are many libraries out there for Codeigniter that are made independently. Maybe it could be managed better officially so that it gets attention from the community, just like Shield.

Likewise, moderators are always active in providing answers to the forum, I hope this can make more people join the community.

Quote:What is the Open Source Pledge?
Open Source Pledge is a group of companies with a shared commitment to paying the maintainers of the Open Source software we all consume. Our goal is to establish a new social norm in the tech industry of companies paying Open Source maintainers, so that burnout and related security issues such as those in XZ and Apache Log4j can become a thing of the past.

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