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Why doesn't this library load in my controller? - Printable Version

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Why doesn't this library load in my controller? - El Forum - 07-11-2008

This is the file "stylesheet.php", which is in the subfolder "utilities" in my "controllers" folder.


class Stylesheet extends Controller

    function Stylesheet()
    function foo()


When I go to index.php/utilities/stylesheet/foo I get the error:

Quote:Fatal error: Undefined property: Stylesheet::$CSS. Call to a member function select() on a non-object in C:\Server\Frameworks\CodeIgniter\application\controllers\utilities\stylesheet.php

The "CSS" library is a custom library in my application's "libraries" folder. Its contents are:

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class CSS {

    function select($element)



So as you can see, I am trying to load a custom library which contains the function "select" - but although I get no error message for the loading of the library, calling this select method just doesn't work!

Please help! Thanks.

Why doesn't this library load in my controller? - El Forum - 07-11-2008

It's because you use upper case in the CSS library name. Call it css and it will be OK.