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    Thread: Extracting the database abstract class from CodeIgniter
Post: Extracting the database abstract class from CodeIg...

Hello, I have a question. Is it possible to extract the abstracted database class from CodeIgniter? Using full CodeIgniter for one of my projects would be overkill. However, I'd be able to reus...
1 Replies
04-08-2018, 10:39 AM
    Thread: Upgrading to 3 from... 1.7.1 :(
Post: RE: Upgrading to 3 from... 1.7.1 :(

That's kind of what I figured. The good news is as I'm going through, I can see that at lot of the stuff I'm seeing as "changed" and things that need to be converted from version to version do not ap...
4 Replies
04-08-2015, 09:41 AM
    Thread: Upgrading to 3 from... 1.7.1 :(
Post: Upgrading to 3 from... 1.7.1 :(

Ok, long story short, at work, I built a fairly large app a few years (could it have been as far back as 5 years ago, I think?!?) with CodeIgniter 1.7.1. The project was abandoned and now they've ask...
4 Replies
04-07-2015, 05:48 PM

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