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    Thread: Session will not persists in CI 3.1.11 with CI Rest Api, no matter what I do
Post: RE: Session will not persists in CI 3.1.11 with CI...

jreklund Wrote: (01-13-2020, 11:52 AM) -- .localhost:4011 = Not a valid domain. Use 'localhost' (becomes .localhost), '.localhost' or NULL (becomes localhost). -- Thanks, I changed this but I stil...
3 Replies
01-14-2020, 06:03 AM
    Thread: How develop Model and validation
Post: RE: How develop Model and validation

Better to do it in in controller. You model can then just process the data.
12 Replies
01-12-2020, 04:20 PM
    Thread: Session will not persists in CI 3.1.11 with CI Rest Api, no matter what I do
Post: Session will not persists in CI 3.1.11 with CI Res...

I cannot get my session to persist past the login. I can see the session data in the sessions folder, the variables are saved. When a user logs in I am saving their user id and company id in the se...
3 Replies
01-12-2020, 04:18 PM
    Thread: Best way to share files among different CI projects, i.e. helpers, libraries
Post: Best way to share files among different CI project...

I have 3 projects that will each be using a REST API library I customized based on the CI Rest API Library project. It has it's own helpers, models and Libraries. I don't want to have the files spread...
2 Replies
12-29-2019, 07:27 PM
    Thread: Form Validation - Error Message for Anonoymous Function
Post: Form Validation - Error Message for Anonoymous Fun...

How do I set an error message for an anonymous function used to validate a field when using the form validation class? Code: PHP Code: -- $this->form_validation->set_rules('referral-code', 'R...
1 Replies
08-31-2018, 07:09 PM
    Thread: Using Custom Libraries with Model instances.
Post: RE: Using Custom Libraries with Model instances.

So delving more into the documentation and looking all over the internet there seems to be a couple ways to do this. I am documenting it for future users: 1. If I do the above code [creating a libra...
1 Replies
08-26-2018, 06:06 AM
    Thread: Using Custom Libraries with Model instances.
Post: Using Custom Libraries with Model instances.

Hello, trying to understand the best way to have multiple instances of a class with its own Model "instance" & CI capability. As an example, let's say I am handling a transaction between 2 users who ...
1 Replies
08-24-2018, 11:47 PM
    Thread: Do I need to separate ajax methods from its main controller?
Post: RE: Do I need to separate ajax methods from its ma...

I like to keep my ajax functions in the same controller where they are being called from. What I did is extend the Controller class (MY_Controller.php) and in there add a function called set_page_t...
6 Replies
08-13-2018, 02:02 PM
    Thread: Caching other pages than the current Controller/View
Post: Caching other pages than the current Controller/Vi...

Hello, this is my first post here. I searched for this topic but did not find an answer to my problem. I am building a website with registration/login, where users can create profiles and update th...
0 Replies
08-09-2018, 10:33 AM

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