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    Thread: How to get the rowCount with results returned by query while joining tables
Post: RE: How to get the rowCount with results returned ...

Thanks for the response. It worked for me. :) But It's taking "935 ms" time to load 57 records, it is fine? https://prnt.sc/tspivOjvOVIG
3 Replies
08-31-2024, 05:19 AM
    Thread: How to get the rowCount with results returned by query while joining tables
Post: How to get the rowCount with results returned by q...

Hi I am using CI4 with SHIELD. I have created a function to get the list of users with multiple dynamic filters and also joined with many tables with pagination, It's working fine. I want to get ...
3 Replies
08-31-2024, 01:25 AM
    Thread: Is it fine to have multiple rows in auth_identities table in SHIELD CI4?
Post: RE: Is it fine to have multiple rows in auth_ident...

kenjis Wrote: (08-05-2024, 05:11 PM) -- By the way, when I see your screenshot, there are more than 70 identities in one user. It is too many. -- Thanks for your suggestion, I fixed the issue by c...
7 Replies
08-06-2024, 01:10 AM
    Thread: Is it fine to have multiple rows in auth_identities table in SHIELD CI4?
Post: RE: Is it fine to have multiple rows in auth_ident...

kenjis Wrote: (08-05-2024, 02:52 AM) -- If you get the duplicate rows, it shows your SQL is something wrong. If you just want to get user email, you can use UserModel. Quote: -- While this has...
7 Replies
08-05-2024, 05:33 AM
    Thread: Is it fine to have multiple rows in auth_identities table in SHIELD CI4?
Post: RE: Is it fine to have multiple rows in auth_ident...

kenjis Wrote: (08-05-2024, 12:46 AM) -- One user can have multiple auth identities. It is expected and no problem. See https://shield.codeigniter.com/getting_started/concepts/#user-identities -- T...
7 Replies
08-05-2024, 02:18 AM
    Thread: Is it fine to have multiple rows in auth_identities table in SHIELD CI4?
Post: Is it fine to have multiple rows in auth_identitie...

Hi I have used SHIELD Auth for first time in CI4, and I created APIs to register or login the users. It's working fine. But I checked the "auth_identities" table and I got multiple rows for one...
7 Replies
08-04-2024, 11:59 PM
    Thread: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4
Post: RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4

InsiteFX Wrote: (07-05-2024, 10:51 PM) -- @"pratibha.cts", I see nothing wrong with your code, I said the above because they say not to use getVar anymore. Can you check and make sure that your em...
9 Replies
07-09-2024, 11:20 PM
    Thread: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4
Post: RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4

Hi I checked the process today again on web and postman, there is no issue with email receiving. I received email on my gmail account. https://prnt.sc/Ik00CovcsnYF https://prnt.sc/iH4Lyjq9NWWR ...
9 Replies
07-07-2024, 09:51 PM
    Thread: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4
Post: RE: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4

Thanks for the reply, I understand this link helpful to validate the incoming request, But I can't under how this resolve my issue. Here is the old screenshot of my code execution, by using the magi...
9 Replies
07-05-2024, 06:06 AM
    Thread: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4
Post: Magic login link not working - SHIELD CI4

I am using shield for Authorization, I have created API to send magic login link, email receives with magic link. when I click on link, it's makes the user login. Earlier this whole process was worki...
9 Replies
07-04-2024, 09:59 PM
    Thread: How to create forgot password API using shiled with codeIgnitor 4
Post: RE: How to create forgot password API using shiled...

Thanks for quick response. Could you please help we how can I send this magic link in API?
2 Replies
06-07-2024, 12:38 AM
    Thread: How to create forgot password API using shiled with codeIgnitor 4
Post: How to create forgot password API using shiled wit...

Hi I  am new to codeignitor and using shield for first time. I need to create forgot password API functionality. I searched a lot regarding this, but I got all tutorials without using shield. I want...
2 Replies
06-05-2024, 11:28 PM

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