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    Thread: Flashdata and AJAX calls on every page load
Post: RE: Flashdata and AJAX calls on every page load

Just had a look at it. I am using ion_auth which uses flashdata for csrf as seen here: https://github.com/benedmunds/CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth/blob/2/controllers/auth.php $this->session->set_flashdata('cs...
2 Replies
01-17-2016, 06:59 PM
    Thread: Flashdata and AJAX calls on every page load
Post: Flashdata and AJAX calls on every page load

My app has an AJAX request on every page load. (Notifications) This has made the flashdata feature pretty useless for the rest of the code. As you know flashdata is deleted on the next request, and t...
2 Replies
01-16-2016, 07:49 PM
    Thread: Writing an API (for mobile app) on top of a web application?
Post: RE: Writing an API (for mobile app) on top of a we...

albertleao Wrote: (01-04-2016, 02:05 PM) -- komirad Wrote: (01-04-2016, 11:43 AM) -- I have built my web application on Codeigniter 3. Now, I want to build mobile apps on top of it. What's the be...
4 Replies
01-04-2016, 02:57 PM
    Thread: Multiple application folder in CI
Post: RE: Multiple application folder in CI

I am doing it like this: application/* for controllers front application/admin/* for controllers for admin panel I would also extend the controllers from a "core" controller. eg. Dashboard extend...
3 Replies
01-04-2016, 12:11 PM
    Thread: Writing an API (for mobile app) on top of a web application?
Post: Writing an API (for mobile app) on top of a web ap...

I have built my web application on Codeigniter 3. Now, I want to build mobile apps on top of it. What's the best way to structure Codeigniter to do this? I am thinking of having an "api" folder ...
4 Replies
01-04-2016, 11:43 AM
    Thread: join of users and users_groups as 1 row
Post: RE: join of users and users_groups as 1 row

You will need to do a GROUP_CONCAT but Codeigniter active record has no GROUP_CONCAT method. The data returned should be a string. You will need to do explode() so that it becomes an array. GROU...
4 Replies
01-04-2016, 10:53 AM

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