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    Thread: Using Codeigniter as RestAPI (using Axios)
Post: RE: Using Codeigniter as RestAPI (using Axios)

Reading the documentation, $this->validate() will validate the input data based on the request type. So if you have a GET request, it will validate the $_GET data. If you have a POST (or PUT?) request...
5 Replies
10-13-2020, 06:17 AM
    Thread: Ci4 problem on newly instal vps
Post: RE: Ci4 problem on newly instal vps

A side solution... If you're adventurous, consider replacing Apache with Nginx + PHP-FPM. Configuration is vastly simpler, and you'll get better performance and lower memory footprint overall. Grea...
4 Replies
10-13-2020, 06:01 AM

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