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    Thread: Elegant CodeIgniter Data Retrieval?
Post: Elegant CodeIgniter Data Retrieval?

How can one magnificently retrieve data from multiple MySQL tables, each showcasing the same awe-inspiring structure yet harboring distinct data, all within the esteemed realm of CodeIgniter? Among...
0 Replies
07-26-2023, 10:07 PM
    Thread: Is Codeigniter 2.x suitable for my web application?
Post: Is Codeigniter 2.x suitable for my web application...

Considering my background in Unix systems programming and limited web development experience, and with a tight deadline for a complex web application, I'm looking for a framework that is easy to learn...
0 Replies
05-31-2023, 12:14 AM
    Thread: How can I run a committed sql-statement (as a parameter) in a procedure and get the e
Post: RE: How can I run a committed sql-statement (as a ...

The issue with your PL/SQL code seems to be that you have not declared the variable l_start_time in your code, which is being used in the expression systimestamp - l_start_time. To fix this error, ...
1 Replies
05-04-2023, 01:03 AM

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