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'Fisheye' won´t function properly, why? JQuery Newbie


I wanted to add a Fisheye menue like here: Fisheye example

I coded the following:

$(document).ready( function()

                maxWidth: 50,
                items: 'a',
                itemsText: 'span',
                container: '.fisheyeContainter',
                itemWidth: 40,
                proximity: 90,
                halign : 'center'
and html wise a short list:

<div id='fisheye' class='fisheye'>
         <div class='fisheyeContainter'>

            <a href='[removed]header.change(\"net\")'> <span>Home</span><img
            src='/intranet/img/intranet_40.png' />    </a>
            <a href='[removed]header.change(\"plan\")' class='fisheyeItem'>
            <span>Home</span><img src='/intranet/img/intranet_40.png' />  </a>
            <a href='[removed]header.change(\"service\")' class='fisheyeItem'>
            <span>Home</span><img src='/intranet/img/intranet_40.png' />     </a>

It just doesnt work and I don´t know why. Any help, suggestions?

Greetings Sebastian

[eluser]Nick Husher[/eluser]
I assume you're including the correct library files. JSLint says you have a line breaking problem, the opening parenthesis for the $('#fisheye').Fisheye function should be on the same line.

I would strongly suggest you to use firebug when working with javascript. And the appropriate forum as well Smile)

Fish eye uses interface which I believe works on an old version of jquery. I do not think it is supported anymore.

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