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Shopping cart library


I'm new on this forum and don't know if this question is in the right sector.
But I've discovered a few bug/Not made functions in the default cart library

So I made it myself and made functions like:
Update not only "Quantity" but also "Options". This allows you to update the added options like the size of a shirt.

I added a function that allows you to show a product individual with the rowid.

These adds are not spectacular but I don't know if I may "release" this or even may edit stuff like this.

show before I will release anything I want to be sure it's legal.
And maybe you have found some bugs in the cart that need a fix please let me know

Friendly regards,
Stefan Fransen
Sorry for bad english I'm dutch


It's definitely legal and any fixes or improvements would be greatly appreciated. Can you please submit a pull request at: https://github.com/bcit-ci/CodeIgniter
- Ben Edmunds
 CI Counsel Member  |  @benedmunds
 Ion Auth  |  Securing PHP Apps


I don't know why but i can't do a pull request so i post it here so someone who can maybe wil doe this.

Delete single item of cart:
function destroy($row_id = FALSE)
        if($row_id === FALSE){
            $this->_cart_contents['cart_total'] = 0;
            $this->_cart_contents['total_items'] = 0;

Update options of cart item:
if ($this->_cart_contents[$items['rowid']]['qty'] == $items['qty'] && $this->_cart_contents[$items['rowid']]['options'] == $items['options'])
            return FALSE;

        // Is the quantity zero?  If so we will remove the item from the cart.
        // If the quantity is greater than zero we are updating
        if ($items['qty'] == 0)
            $this->_cart_contents[$items['rowid']]['qty'] = $items['qty'];
            $this->_cart_contents[$items['rowid']]['options'] = $items['options'];

        if(!$this->_cart_contents[$items['rowid']]['options'] == $items['options']){
            $this->_cart_contents[$items['rowid']]['options'] = $items['options'];

Hoop someone find this useful,
Stefan Fransen

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