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Newbie routing problem

I don't understand what routing is doing to me.

What I want is straight from the guide but I'm getting very strange results.

I have a controller 'division' with a function 'individual'. Whenever I access this function all the urls get the segments 'division/individual' added to them.

This means my menus no longer work. For example, instead of pointing to 'http://example.com/home' it now points to 'http://example.com/division/individual/home'.

My menu code has simply 'home' and that works fine until I access the 'division/individual' function.

What's going on?

How are you coding your link exactly? If your link is
<a href="home">Home</a>
then it is logical. From the page /index.php, the browser will try to load /home. But from /some/page, it will try to load /some/page/home. Remember, the browser doesn't know you use CodeIgniter. It looks at the urls like normal paths!

The right thing to do is use CI's site_url function:
<a href="&lt;?=site_url('home')?&gt;">Home</a>
This will make the link relative to the root of the CI system. That way it always works, no matter where the browser thinks you are in the folder structure.

[eluser]Simian Studios[/eluser]
More than likely the problem is in your view rather than anywhere else - I am guessing that in your HTML you have links like this:

<a href="home">example</a>

If that's the case, its easy to fix, just make the links absolute by adding a preceding "/" e.g.

<a href="/home">example</a>

If not, post your view code and we should be able to work it out.

[eluser]Simian Studios[/eluser]
Heh, mddd and I have the same idea - either way works the same, it's just a matter of preference. I prefer to just write the link as it's what I'm used to, and saves a PHP function call, but it's no biggie..

Simians way will work fine. But not if you change the location of the CI folder.
For instance, I have made a CI system that works in a subfolder of someone's website. And then the address is no longer "/".
That's why I think it's safer to use the site_url function. If the site address changes, you only have to change 1 line in the configuration file.

[eluser]Simian Studios[/eluser]
[quote author="mddd" date="1276545659"]Simians way will work fine. But not if you change the location of the CI folder.
For instance, I have made a CI system that works in a subfolder of someone's website. And then the address is no longer "/".
That's why I think it's safer to use the site_url function. If the site address changes, you only have to change 1 line in the configuration file.[/quote]

Good point, hadn't considered that..

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