i cant upload any thing except picture |
[eluser]Sara rad[/eluser]
when i try upload screen singly script worked good and screen uploaded bun when i want upload source (singly) script don't worked and show this error : Quote: The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed.
If i look at the code of the uploading class, you can not put an array in the do_upload part. I would suggest you call it twice Code: if( ! $this->upload->do_upload('screen')) {
[eluser]Sara rad[/eluser]
i test it , screen uploaded but source : Quote:The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed. Afterward i select a image(jpg) instead of (psd|zip|...) its worked with first config and file uploaded to first config path ! then config mode is wrong , any idea !? :question:
It maybee sound silly. But i had a problem once because the extension was in capitals.... Can you check? Else mail me youre vire and controller and i will fix it here.
[eluser]Sara rad[/eluser]
ok i change controller to this it's worked good . thank you friends :kiss: . Code: // Set upload rules for screen
i made it a bit more simple. But it works for me. See allaerd.org/test view: Code: <!DOCTYPE html> controller: Code: function final_step () { |
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