Active Record "insert" is not working properly |
Opera and Chrome are working now, so IE can't work? You can try the following model code: controller: Code: <?php Model Code: <?php
I think it's a navigator problem. Show the complete javascript code please.
[eluser]Daksh Mehta[/eluser]
the above code is full one. Ill try new model tomorrow and update the thread. thanks all!
Hmm, how do you invoke the Register::process() method? Using Ajax / form request?
[eluser]Daksh Mehta[/eluser]
Thank you all. No, i am invoking the process() normally through CI url structure. ie. http://localhost/app/index.php/register/process
So, to clarify... It works fine in Opera and Chrome, but not in IE? or Firefox?
Is it not working when Firebug is closed, or only when it is open?
[eluser]Daksh Mehta[/eluser]
its same even if i turn off each and every addon!
Although this shouldn't be necessary in a well-written program, this workaround may solve your issue for now: Code: <?php |
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