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Few lame questions

[eluser]Mantas M[/eluser]
Is it possible to have globaly loaded stuff in a hook class somehow? For example, to have a hook extended by hookController or smth?

Also, is it possible to use multiple Views? One to handle header, another for the content etc.

[eluser]Craig A Rodway[/eluser]
For multiple views, I recommend Method 2 as described in the wiki.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Its not too easy setting default variables in a hook as hooks dont return data without setting a session var or something.

Try making a base class. This basically involves making a class called something like BaseController or Globals or something. Try one like this:

class Globals extends Controller {

    var $data = array();
    // Chuck everything in here.
    function Globals()
            $this->data['current_userID'] = getUserProperty('id');
            // Chuck in any "All Pages" Data here...


Then in your other controllers, instead of extending Controller you extend Globals like so:

class Normal_controller extends Globals {
    function index()
        $this->load->view('someview', $this->data);


Everything in the $this->data which is created in Globals will be available in any of its child controllers, and in any views that are passed the $this->data variable.

[eluser]Mantas M[/eluser]
Thanks for the tips.

What I like in CI... That it's easy to hack hehe. It wouldnt be so easy to modify core of z I think Smile

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Thats what I LOVE about CI. If you want rigid rules and lameness then go use Cake or Zend frameworks. CI lets you do what you damn well please! Big Grin

[eluser]Josh Giese[/eluser]
Thanks for posting this. I'm 3 days into CI and I was wondering how to do something like this! I cant wait to go home and try it.

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