Hi again,
I think the problem is solved. I have used mt_rand funcion to generate $usec and $sec variables that uses the captcha instead microtime(). I don't know if I will have collateral problems because captcha save in $now variable the current date using $usec and $sec. It can be a temporal solution for people with the same problem.
The code (it's a bit faster than before!:
$usec = mt_rand(0,99999999);
$usec = $usec/ 100000000;
$sec = mt_rand(0,9999999999);
//Old version
//list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
$now = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
We can also detect when $usec and $sec are not setted and in this case use mt_rand