Less css library |
Hi everyone, Today I'll share with you this library I've made for a project. The library has the documentation inside but here it is anyway. NOTE:This library implements the class created by Leaf Corcoran [http://leafo.net] Quote:Note: If you find this library helpful please say thanks and share it with people you know need this. Documentation This class lets you to implement the Less languaje in your own server. *1)Use the same documentation to create the files at. http://lesscss.org *2)Compress your css. *3)Cache your css. Implementation *1)Create a controller with the name [css.php] with this code. Code: <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); *3)Create a .css file with the name style.css and paste this code. Code: @bg_color: #000000; *5)When the css is ready to production i recommend to uncomment the line below to enable caching. Code: $this->output->cache(999999); Quote:Tags: Less, CI_Lesscss, LessCss, Less css, Codeigniter, Romyblack Here's the link : Download Less css library Save at \application\libraries\Less_css.php
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