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Paypal Library question

Okay so I am pretty new to codeigniter and am working with the CI paypal library and Paypal's "Web Payments Standard"

I am sending the users session id as [custom] to paypal and when the user completes payment and returns to site i use this [custom] and [txn_id] that are posted back in my process order function. An issue is arising when the user goes to leave Paypal back to the store: They are presented with popup warning telling them something to the effect that they are leaving secure site and going to non-secure site(varies with browser). If the user clicks this warning's continue button fast enough they are taken back to store site with the post variables intact, if the user doesn't click continue fast enough they are taken back to store anyways, but minus the post variables so causes the process_order to fail. IPN seems to be working fine as every transaction appears in my paypal_ipn.log file with SUCCESS and all information. I was told by someone that if I had SSL on store site that this would resolve everything, is that the case?

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