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MySQL, Querybuilder, Controller problems... ERR 2014

Hello everyone,

I'm new to CI and haven't been into php for quite a while and now I'm stuck and don't get it to run. Tought it'd be an easy task, so in short:

Using a controller "Suppliers" which has a method "details", which will then call a view containing general details and a list of entries from another table. The view tells me that an error occured: 

Error Number: 2014

Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now

So to get the info needed:

My Controller
PHP Code:
class Suppliers extends CI_Controller {

       public function __construct()
//Check if logged in already

public function 
details($id NULL)
           $data['supplier'] = $this->suppliers_model->get_supplier($id);
            if (empty($data['supplier'])) show_404();

            $data['certificates'] = $this->suppliers_model->get_supplier_certificates($id);

            $data['title'] = $this->lang->line('supplier'FALSE) . ': ' $data['supplier']['name'];


My Model
PHP Code:
class Suppliers_model extends CI_Model {

       public function __construct()

       public function get_suppliers($id FALSE)
           if ($id === FALSE)
               //$query = $this->db->get('suppliers');
               $query $this->db->query('call read_supplier_list()');
               return $query->result_array();

           $query $this->db->query('call read_supplier(' $id ')');
           //$query = $this->db->get_where('suppliers', array('id' => $id));

           return $query->row_array();

       public function get_supplier_certificates($supplier_id)
           //$query = $this->db->query('call read_supplier_certificates(' . $supplier_id . ')');
           $query $this->db->get_where('supplier_certificates', array('supplier_id'$supplier_id));
           return $query->result_array();

So, pleasy tell me where I'm wrong... I dont' get it Sad

I have never seen that error before.

A quick google gave me this: http://wikifixes.com/errors/b/0x/Error%2...ror%202014

So it seems that you have a system error that CI is running on. Something not installed correctly perhaps? Not much use I agree but I am guessing this is not a CI issue, but your local setup or a host environment problem.

Best wishes,


Thanks for trying... at least I got around that error by not using stored procedures but CI-Querybuilder. Was not able to use a subquery this way, but it worked with grouping.

Keep calm.

Try this and see if the error goes away.

PHP Code:
class Suppliers_model extends CI_Model {

    public function 

    public function 
get_suppliers($id FALSE)
$data = array();

        if (
$id === FALSE)
//$query = $this->db->get('suppliers');
$query $this->db->query('call read_supplier_list()');
$data  $query->result_array();


$query $this->db->query('call read_supplier(' $id ')');
//$query = $this->db->get_where('suppliers', array('id' => $id));

$data $query->row_array();

    public function 
$data = array();
//$query = $this->db->query('call read_supplier_certificates(' . $supplier_id . ')');
$query $this->db->get_where('supplier_certificates', array('supplier_id'$supplier_id));
$data  $query->result_array();
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

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