Help with GET |
Hello, everybody,
I have a problem with the GET. I want to transfer three values where two values are present or not (where_or). But somehow none of the values are transferred and I don't know why. IMG: Controller: PHP Code: public function index($slug) { Model PHP Code: public function edition_listess($slug) { index.php Code: <?php echo validation_errors(); ?> edition.php (test page) Code: <?php echo validation_errors(); ?>
Which "GET" do you mean? The this->db->get(), or php's super-global $_GET?
Please, give us an example of the complete url to call the edition/edition method with 3 values.
Where are you getting the $url from? You need to show more code and what type of get your using.
If your trying to pull these off of the url then you need to use CodeIgniter segment methods. What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
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