CodeIgniter 4 Logo |
I feel the new design could be improved. The curves of the inner fire feel forced into a weird "wrench"/4 shape that is not natural.
If the design is still open to change, I'd be willing to sponsor a contest on 99designs to get some variants as alternatives. (08-25-2019, 10:51 AM)searchy Wrote: I feel the new design could be improved. The curves of the inner fire feel forced into a weird "wrench"/4 shape that is not natural. We're going to do something here soon. (07-20-2019, 07:46 AM)jlp Wrote: Guidelines: Sometimes is logo "just a text" (look at Google logo). Logo does not mean only image (look at new Android logo, which is simple, clean and professional). Original logo have ratio 155:200, not 9:10 or 1:1. Changing CSS should be done anyway. My proposition have ratio 11:16 or approximately 138:200 (similar to original) - download SVG file (less than 1 KB, shrinked and optimized by Scour utility). If there will be the poll, please add the original logo too. Thank you.
I would not do the logo with 4 in it because CodeIgniter version will change later on down the road.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
While I understand maintaining the old logo (with mild modifications), a new more sophisticated logo would go a long way in letting everyone know that CI has been modernized and is using the latest in PHP features and capabilities.
@InsiteFX Lonnie & I have talked about future versions, and we feel that CI4 has at least 5 years of life in it, before thinking about version 5. Unlike some frameworks, we do not intend to have major versions "of the year" ... if we did, we would have called it CI2016, er CI2017, er CI2019 ;P
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