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ALERT: Major migration refactor just merged

This is that last of the known breaking changes, and one that had been bugging me for a while. Thanks to those that prodded this change on, we now have a bit more cohesive migration change. Follow the link to see all of the gory details, but here's the big items:

- No more serial names (001, 002, etc). All migrations use timestamps now, which can be formatted in several ways to suit your preference.
- Class names have changed, they're now Pascal-cased like all other classes in the system, and do not need Migration_ at the beginning of the name. This was unnecessary since they're all namespaced now.
- Command name has changed from migrate:latest to simply migrate.
- When running php spark migrate -all it now pulls together all migrations across all namespaces and sorts them by their timestamp, instead of treating each namespace separately.

Follow Full details here

This is great, a really good backend change and ease-of-life for developers.
I'm afraid I already know the answer... but I don't see any resources or tests for what is now legacy migrations table - will existing projects need to rebuild manually?

(08-12-2019, 11:28 AM)MGatner Wrote: This is great, a really good backend change and ease-of-life for developers.
I'm afraid I already know the answer... but I don't see any resources or tests for what is now legacy migrations table - will existing projects need to rebuild manually?

Unfortunately yes.

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