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Changes are not visible on home page

Hello guys,
I'm new to CI and I have one heritable website. So the problem is that when I made changes they are not visible on home page or they start to be visible after a long period of time.

For example:
Let's say I change site_email in application/config/settings.php ( $config['site_email'] = "[email protected]"; ) and it is visible on all of site pages except home. On the home page is still visible the old email address and maybe it's gonna change after a long time ago.

Can you help me with this if someone can suggest something that I can check?


Have you enabled cache in that controller?

(10-15-2019, 12:18 PM)jreklund Wrote: Have you enabled cache in that controller?

Hello jreklund,
I'm not sure exactly how to check if it's enabled or not, but probably it is enabled because I found an else clause in Home.php controller that says if a user is not logged in do this:

So now I can reduce that time for non logged users or is there any better way to do it? I don't know what was the reason for that clause. 

Thanks for your replay!

It's indeed that value, you got it cached for 24 hours.

If you still want a very long time, you can make an admin interface utilizing delete_cache.

(10-16-2019, 09:54 AM)jreklund Wrote: It's indeed that value, you got it cached for 24 hours.

If you still want a very long time, you can make an admin interface utilizing delete_cache.

Thanks jreklund, this was really useful for me, appreciate your help!


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