deployment |
I am using and develpping with CI4 and now I really start to like it. I am still not an expert and have many questions but I am learning step by step. Now My question here is about deployment. How to deploy ? What is the good practice.? I describe how I do for deployment - copy all source to the production server - Modifiy .env to adjust db infos - Run script to create or update the database - I still need to adjust permission in few directories I noticed that I have too many files : with the codeiginiter text and few others. I think I don't need such file. licence etc... What files or directories are useless for deployment ? I have 2 kinds of deployment . - Deployment I am doing myself : I need to write a procedure. It is ok because I am supposed to be sys admin and master of my server - Deployment that the user could do. : Here is my problem. I want the deployment the most easy as possible. Imagine wordpress you download source and go to a page and type few information. Do you have ideas in this direction? How to write installation tool ? Do you have an example. An other problem I am facing is Installation on mutual host. then your web will be Then it is impossible to install something on the domaine root. thank you for your advices and helps
This depends on your hosting provider.
On my host I can just take and FTP all files to my server. On others some have a way to upload files through their CPANEL or PLESK. I use FileZilla FTP to upload all my files. What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
(06-12-2020, 02:47 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: This depends on your hosting provider. I have a vps then I can use git pull to update. and of course ftp. On mutual host I have only ftp.
I'm old school, so my preferred way to deploy a website is with custom bash scripts. I have one to create a tar.gz archive with all the files I need. I copy this package with scp on my server. Then I log on the server with a SSH terminal, and I run a second bash script to unzip and install the files in the right folders. And I have a text file with all the command I need to run. This way it's easier to remember what I need to do, because my memory is not that good!
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