Avoid using helpers |
I don't get why pretty much every PHP framework comes with this shit. I wish CI4 helpers were libraries instead of helpers. global methods are the worst thing. hard to test and bad for readability.
Now it's too late. ci4 helpers will be a thing forever. but if you are gonna create custom helpers, please don't! create and use libraries instead. (04-06-2021, 10:23 AM)MrWhite Wrote: I don't get why pretty much every PHP framework comes with this shit. I wish CI4 helpers were libraries instead of helpers. global methods are the worst thing. hard to test and bad for readability. Please be my guest. Write your own PHP framework without that "sh*t" and show that "sh*t" to this community (or some others too) for RFC. By the way AFAIK CI lets to do change/remove something under the hood as far as you know the domain of that framework and call that new framework "Sh*tIgniter". No problem MrWhite you can go to the Moon and Beyond as far as it fits your needs. Me not being rude, just want to get your point and give a thorough explanation what you mean by that, suggest something like that and maybe in the future you will be the one of the core developers of CI.
What do you mean by helpers?
This? https://codeigniter.com/user_guide/helpers/index.html > bad for readability What's bad?
(12-27-2021, 05:18 PM)kenjis Wrote: > bad for readability Nothing is bad with helpers. He's either a troll or he doesn't have much experience in programming. If I only need a 5 line function, why would I create a library for that? Some people just like to over engineer everything when there's a more simple solution.
Someone needs to learn DRY & KISS.
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
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