the rule didn't work killing the checked string.
in terms of speed and simplicity the code below works better.
Please correct the code to pass error without changing your IR_validatioin_lang file.
Code: class test extends IgnitedRecord{
var $act_as = array(
'validation' =>
array('test' => array('rules' => 'required|max_length[32]|textstring'));
function textstring($str)
if (strspn($str, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 +-_,.:;'!?#$^&") != strlen($str))
pass error here! = "The %s field can contain only alphanumerical characters, space and punktuations";
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
I've made the add_error() a static method in the IR_validation class, so you call IR_validation::add_error('Your error string here'); to set the error.
The string is passed to sprintf(), with the field name as first parameter and the rule parameter as the second.
Hello everybody, I'm looking for a way to sneak a CASE order-by statement into a query generated by IR.
Say I have an e-shop and a customer looking for a brush. He enters "brush" into my mask field, but only gets "Brushless motors" suggested in hints, because aside from brushes I carry many motors and apply LIMIT to the query. The best match, "Brush", could that way easily be left unreturned.
My code:
Code: $arrProd = $this->Product->
->like('products.name', $mask) # like '%mask%'
Hardcoding the query is one way to do it, but would anyone here have an idea how to gracefully work a case-based, bound ORDER BY like this into the query, so that it makes maximum use of what's already written?
Code: ORDER BY (
WHEN products.name = ? then 1
ELSE 0.1
Thank you!
I've now added the possibility to add the ORDER BY criteria without escaping (latest svn).
Set the $direction (second parameter) to false, and the $by part will be appended to the ORDER BY part (if you use multiple, they will be separated by commas in the order called).
Code: ->order_by('(
WHEN products.name = '.$something.' then 1
ELSE 0.1
) DESC', false);
btw, in your case you don't need the nested where (->where()->*->end()).
Ok, now I can get the CASE in--thank you for modifying the direction behavior! /p
Hi all,
Just trying IR for the first time today, & I have a lame question. I'm not sure it's not somewhere in the manual, but I couldn't find it. I apologize if it's really obvious.
I have:
Code: // model:
class Author extends IgnitedRecord
var $table = 'authors';
var $has_many = array('post');
class Post extends IgnitedRecord
var $table = 'posts';
var $has_one = array('author');
// controller:
function index()
$data['authors'] = $this->author->find_all();
$this->load->view('author/index', $data);
// in the view:
<?php foreach $authors as $author:?>
Name: <?=$author->name?>
<?php endforeach;?>
In the controller (or in the model), how can I load, for each author, all the related posts, so that I can do in the view something like:
Code: <?php foreach $authors as author?>
Name: <?=$author->name?><br>
<?php foreach $author->posts as $post?>
Post title: <?=$post->title?>
<?php endforeach;>
<?php endforeach;>
I understand how I can load all related records for one specific record, but I don't get how I can load all related records for each record at once.
If you want to load all related records at once, you should use the join_related() method (only works in 1.0).
Code: // Also added some custom ordering of the results below
$data['authors'] = $this->author->join_related('posts')->order_by('authors.name, posts.title', 'desc')->find_all();
You can use your view file without modifications.
btw, IR usually figures out the tablename by itself (modelnname + s) so it is not necessary to set it.
Also, you've named the Author has many Post wrong, it should be plural (Author has many posts)
I want to pass an IR object to a function. Then I want to extract fields and data as an array. It is required to process in array functions like array_intersect_key. Supposedly The number and names of the fields are not known in advance:
Code: // model humans
function check_existence($entry = array())
$interestedInTheFollowingFields = array( 'name' => 'yes', 'age' =>'yes');
$entryselection = array_intersect_key($entry, $interestedInTheFollowingFields);
//do process data similarity analysis for the selected fields
//return $id for similar record or FALSE
Code: //controller
$entry = $this->humans->new_record();
if (!$this->humans->check_existence($entry)) // check if a similar human already in the list
//create new record
//modify existing record, which has a striking similarity
//defined by the $interestedInTheFollowingFields
How to create an $entryarray=array() out of the data fields contained in $entry=(object)?
Use the get_data() method of the record object, it will return an associative array with the column name as key and data as value.
Note: get_data() will only return the data which has property names matching the column names in the linked table.
I need to be able to do a 'find_all' without selecting all the columns (table.*). As far as I can tell, there is no simple way to do such a thing in a model extending ignitedrecord. The native-like 'get' (in ignitedquery) is also inaccessible due to method overriding. Basically I am doing an aggregate statement like so:
Quote:$this->select(array('ThicknessNameOut', 'WidthNameOut', 'LengthNameIn'));
$this->where('BoardFeetIn > ', 1);
return $this->find_all();
Any ideas?