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IgnitedRecord 1.0 pre-release


the rule didn't work killing the checked string.

in terms of speed and simplicity the code below works better.

Please correct the code to pass error without changing your IR_validatioin_lang file.

class test extends IgnitedRecord{
   var $act_as = array(
            'validation' =>
            array('test' => array('rules' => 'required|max_length[32]|textstring'));
   function textstring($str)
        if (strspn($str, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 +-_,.:;'!?#$^&") != strlen($str))
            pass error here! = "The %s field can contain only alphanumerical characters, space and punktuations";
            return FALSE;
            return TRUE;

I've made the add_error() a static method in the IR_validation class, so you call IR_validation::add_error('Your error string here'); to set the error.

The string is passed to sprintf(), with the field name as first parameter and the rule parameter as the second.

Hello everybody, I'm looking for a way to sneak a CASE order-by statement into a query generated by IR.

Say I have an e-shop and a customer looking for a brush. He enters "brush" into my mask field, but only gets "Brushless motors" suggested in hints, because aside from brushes I carry many motors and apply LIMIT to the query. The best match, "Brush", could that way easily be left unreturned.

My code:
$arrProd = $this->Product->
            ->like('products.name', $mask) # like '%mask%'

Hardcoding the query is one way to do it, but would anyone here have an idea how to gracefully work a case-based, bound ORDER BY like this into the query, so that it makes maximum use of what's already written?

         WHEN products.name    =    ?    then    1
         ELSE    0.1
     ) DESC

Thank you!

I've now added the possibility to add the ORDER BY criteria without escaping (latest svn).
Set the $direction (second parameter) to false, and the $by part will be appended to the ORDER BY part (if you use multiple, they will be separated by commas in the order called).

         WHEN products.name = '.$something.' then 1
         ELSE 0.1
     ) DESC', false);

btw, in your case you don't need the nested where (->where()->*->end()).

Ok, now I can get the CASE in--thank you for modifying the direction behavior! /p

Hi all,

Just trying IR for the first time today, & I have a lame question. I'm not sure it's not somewhere in the manual, but I couldn't find it. I apologize if it's really obvious.

I have:
// model:
class Author extends IgnitedRecord
  var $table = 'authors';
  var $has_many = array('post');
class Post extends IgnitedRecord
  var $table = 'posts';
  var $has_one = array('author');

// controller:
function index()
    $data['authors'] = $this->author->find_all();
    $this->load->view('author/index', $data);

// in the view:
<?php foreach $authors as $author:?>
  Name: <?=$author->name?>
<?php endforeach;?>

In the controller (or in the model), how can I load, for each author, all the related posts, so that I can do in the view something like:
<?php foreach $authors as author?>
  Name: &lt;?=$author->name?&gt;<br>
  &lt;?php foreach $author->posts as $post?&gt;
    Post title: &lt;?=$post->title?&gt;
  &lt;?php endforeach;>
&lt;?php endforeach;>

I understand how I can load all related records for one specific record, but I don't get how I can load all related records for each record at once.


If you want to load all related records at once, you should use the join_related() method (only works in 1.0).

// Also added some custom ordering of the results below
$data['authors'] = $this->author->join_related('posts')->order_by('authors.name, posts.title', 'desc')->find_all();
You can use your view file without modifications.

btw, IR usually figures out the tablename by itself (modelnname + s) so it is not necessary to set it.
Also, you've named the Author has many Post wrong, it should be plural (Author has many posts)


I want to pass an IR object to a function. Then I want to extract fields and data as an array. It is required to process in array functions like array_intersect_key. Supposedly The number and names of the fields are not known in advance:
// model humans

function check_existence($entry = array())
$interestedInTheFollowingFields = array( 'name' => 'yes', 'age' =>'yes');
$entryselection = array_intersect_key($entry, $interestedInTheFollowingFields);
//do process data similarity analysis for the selected fields
//return $id for similar record or FALSE


$entry = $this->humans->new_record();
if (!$this->humans->check_existence($entry)) // check if a similar human already in the list
//create new record
//modify existing record, which has a striking similarity
//defined by the $interestedInTheFollowingFields
How to create an $entryarray=array() out of the data fields contained in $entry=(object)?


Use the get_data() method of the record object, it will return an associative array with the column name as key and data as value.

Note: get_data() will only return the data which has property names matching the column names in the linked table.

I need to be able to do a 'find_all' without selecting all the columns (table.*). As far as I can tell, there is no simple way to do such a thing in a model extending ignitedrecord. The native-like 'get' (in ignitedquery) is also inaccessible due to method overriding. Basically I am doing an aggregate statement like so:
Quote:$this->select(array('ThicknessNameOut', 'WidthNameOut', 'LengthNameIn'));
$this->where('BoardFeetIn > ', 1);
return $this->find_all();

Any ideas?

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