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I am trying to get a URL that has a # sign instead of a ?
PHP Code: http://staging.researchonline.com:8181/index.php/Configure#access_token=eyJraWQiOiJ4Q3VXZFVIRDBSNlJU Parse_url requires the url. Where can I get that from? I tried using $config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE; $config['access_token'] = '#'; But this results in access_token=NULL. What am I doing wrong?
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks
You’re doing nothing wrong it is just not possible due to the current specifications. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3664...erver-side
I have been informed that another way to get the calling URL is to use javascript.
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML ="Page location is " + window.location.href; Can someone tell me how I can use javascript that has window.location.href in it to get the URL?
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks
If the url comes from your own application, then use a ? not a # when you first create this url. They are not the same.
The "?" is used for query string, where you want to get parameters from the url like you are trying to do. The "#" is used to scroll the page to the id following the #. The url you posted doesn't make a lot of sense. It should be Code: http://staging.researchonline.com:8181/index.php/Configure?access_token=eyJraWQiOiJ4Q3VXZFVIRDBSNlJU
Hey Beer. It comes from Okta which is an outh2 application. After discussing with Okta's techs we think that the URL could be seen with javascript's window.location.href. Then I just need to get it back into my CI3 application so I can decode it. I haven't worked in js in a while and don't remember how to do it.
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks
That's weird they use non standard url like that. You shouldn't have to jump through hoops to make it work.
But yeah, if you really want to read the portion after the #, I think your only solution is to grab the url with JavaScript and send it to your server. Then in your CI application you can use parse_url() to extract all the component, including the fragment (after the #).
This may be useful - view page $_SERVER headers: PHP Code: echo ‘<pre>’, print_r($_SERVER, TRUE), ‘</pre>’;
Thanks. I already checked all the fields through the $_SERVER in the debugger. It is not there. I am just hoping that javascript can see it.
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks
OK. I managed to hire someone who wrote code to get the access_token into my session variable. I tested it on a jwt decode app. Seems OK. It appears as if the payload data contains a json field that I need. Is there some php function that will decode into the payload into json items?
proof that an old dog can learn new tricks
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