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view not loaded in second function

I can't explian why the profile() function just ends up in a white page.
Could someone explain or give me a hint to check for something?
PHP Code:

$routes->group('employee', static function ($routes) {

namespace App\Controllers\Org;
use App\Controllers\BaseController;

class Employee extends BaseController
public function index()  // perfectly working!
        $data = [];
$data['title'] = 'my profile';
$data['heading'] = 'user data:';
$data['view']     = 'dashboard1';
    echo view('design1/template', $data);
        //return redirect()->to(base_url());
public function profile()  // just a white page
        // echo "test route successfull!";  /* (route tested: working!)
        $data = [];
$data['title'] = 'my profile';
$data['heading'] = 'user data:';
$data['view']     = 'dashboard1';
    echo view('design1/template', $data);

Do you get any feedback from F12 - development tools in your browser?

echo view('design1/template', $data);

shoudl be like this (instead echo) ;

return view('design1/template', $data);

echo'ing view is Ok
what would happen if you used
$data['title'] => 'my profile';
$data['heading'] => 'user data:';
$data['view']     => 'dashboard1';
CMS CI4     I use Arch Linux by the way 

Arch Book

You may need to use the saveData option on your views to clear them out. ( 
PHP Code:
[saveData => false]  

CodeIgniter 4 User Guide -> Views -> The saveData Option
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Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009.  ( Skype: insitfx )

(05-28-2023, 11:02 PM)InsiteFX Wrote: You may need to use the saveData option on your views to clear them out. ( 
PHP Code:
[saveData => false]  

CodeIgniter 4 User Guide -> Views -> The saveData Option
wow! Thank You!

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