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Can't figure out how to write this query properly... involves two tables.

Yeah, I think you should read up on using JOINs in SQL. It will make your life much easier. And also, I think you should make use of models instead of gathering your data directly in the view file.

Just speaking from experience, using Code Igniter the way it was intended by separating logic into controllers, getting and setting data in models, and displaying output in views has increased my productivity so much. I knew of MVC before I started using CI, but never actually used it. I can't see myself doing anything else now. It's like, once I organized everything properly I could think clearly.

Anyways, that's my 2 cents.

Messages In This Thread
Can't figure out how to write this query properly... involves two tables. - by El Forum - 01-13-2009, 11:04 PM

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