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Calling controller and method via "relative path"?

I a using CI v2 on Google App Engine and I have ran into an issue when trying to use the Task Queue.

The URL parameter for a task requires a relative path to a PHP script.

Since CI uses controllers and methods, all fed from the main index.php file, there is no way I can use a path such as "index.php/path/to/code" (more so, I believe GAE tries to include this file, and since it isn't a real file, it cannot include it!)

Is there a way to trick GAE into thinking a controller and method is a relative path?

Or does anyone here have experience with getting GAE Tasks working with CI controllers?

Currently, I have got the Tasks to work by using a basic PHP script in the root of my project (alongside index.php) but I don't want this, as I don't know how I can use any of CI's models etc from this external script (exteranl form the app, not external as in I cannot control it)

Messages In This Thread
Calling controller and method via "relative path"? - by mr_pablo - 03-16-2015, 08:51 AM

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