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When did you get into Codeigniter?

I'm a relatively new convert. Only in the last year to 18 months.

My work in the past has been mainly using Drupal and a bit or WordPress and Joomla. While Drupal serves most of my needs, I've been increasingly frustrated by the bloat. Most projects take up at 50-100meg and use a more system resources than I'd like. Page sizes have been another issue for me. Large multiple CSS files in particular have been a bugbear for me. I can't find any useful way to trim them down. I wanted lean.

I experimented with some Ruby apps like LocomotiveCMS which I quite liked. I like the speed, especailly when combine with a nosql databse like Mongodb, but deploying it to shared host is a pain.

I went back to PHP & tried Symfony, Laravel & CodeIngiter. Symfony seamed large for what I wanted. I know all the "cool kids" seem to be using Laravel but I found it a bit fussy to set up.

CodeIgniter feels like home to me. I like its small footprint. It seems to run on minimal resources. It is easy to set up. A simple download,  set up a database & edit the config files. It is a breeze to deploy to a shared host. I can do pretty much what I like with it.

I've got a couple of projects I'm using it for. I'm converting a Drupal site to CodeIgniter. The CI version is lean and fast. I'm also woking on a history project for a local history group on World War One. I've set up the MVC. It displays the data nicely. My next job is to write the back end Smile

Messages In This Thread
When did you get into Codeigniter? - by haneez - 11-09-2014, 09:17 PM
RE: When did you get into Codeigniter? - by Jamie - 01-03-2015, 09:33 PM
RE: When did you get into Codeigniter? - by llebkered - 03-29-2015, 07:52 AM

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