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HOWTO: rewrite requests for images, css and js to different folders for each application?

I don't completely understand your rewrite as I'm not very good with them. Are your apps each on their own subdomain? Or a subfolder? Or do they each have a different domain and they're just sharing a server?

I pictured a controller like this:

class Assets extends Controller
    function Assets()

    function _remap()
            $type = $this->uri->segment(2);
            $file = $this->uri->segment(3);

            if($data = read_file('/realpath/'.APP_NAME."/$type/$file"))
                force_download($file, $data);

/* End of controller */

Then you'd define APP_NAME in your apps as the folder where that app's assets are in. You would then access your assets at:

Messages In This Thread
HOWTO: rewrite requests for images, css and js to different folders for each application? - by El Forum - 06-29-2009, 09:53 AM

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