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jquery (ajax) post to controller to model (and back) to view problem

Thanks for those quick responses! When I used the Firebug's "Net" tab I found out that I indeed needed to flush out my link reference. But get this: once I did that my links were still doing nothing but when I clicked on the "POST change_lyrics" line in the firebug consol and then the "response" and "html" tabs within that, I found that the post request successfully pulled info from my database and into my html. But the actual site doesn't do this (both in local host and on a remote server)!

If you have firebug you can see this for yourself right here:


I'm new at all of this so I apologize in advance if I'm missing something super simple.

Messages In This Thread
jquery (ajax) post to controller to model (and back) to view problem - by El Forum - 06-13-2010, 08:23 PM

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