(11-27-2014, 02:22 AM)alroker Wrote: It's difficult to answer a question like that, but it's one that gets asked a lot. CI is light and fast in the general scale of PHP frameworks. However, "How much traffic can it handle?" depends on so many factors. It's more a question of... How much traffic can your coding handle? How much traffic can the server(s) hosting it handle? How much traffic can the network your server(s) are connected to handle? etc.
It's probably fair to say that you are "hoping for" rather than "expecting" 1-10 mil per month once the site becomes established. CI has some good benchmarking built right in so you can get some idea of how your code and DB queries are performing and use those results to refine and streamline your code. As mentioned above, benchmarking the production server with your app on it will give you a good idea how much traffic it will handle and show up some problem areas.
It's always best to keep your code as efficient as you can while you are developing the application, but many bottle necks and other issues normally won't show up until you are in production and start getting high bursts of traffic from marketing campaigns and the like. Processes running on the server in a high traffic environment can cause issues too, such as log rotations, as well as well as cron jobs for sending emails etc on a site as the quantities grow. Dos attacks are another possibility on a popular site, so having systems to try and reduce the impact of those is another issue.
At the end of the day though, there are many very high traffic sites out there built on much slower frameworks than CI. So how much traffic CI can handle isn't a relevant question. Perhaps instead you should be asking... How efficient is your coding? How big is your hardware budget? How are you going to make a really good site? How are you going to reach your traffic targets? Have you set up the infrastructure to make migration of the site to a more robust hosting solution quick and easy when and if the traffic levels and monetization warrant it? etc.
we will be taking care of message queue as well ddos attacks.but some of your points helpful as bench marking.i will be using linode or aws or digital ocean or rackspace. reaching traffic target we have already worked out.