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Place several elements in the router

Hi eveybody

It's my first post on the forum and it's why i well present myself. Firstly, I'm French, so please excuse my grammar and my language mystakes Smile. I'm coming from the South of France and I want to use CodeIgniter for a big project. Actually it's a secret project for french people.

I ha a little question about the routing in codeigniter. I am creating a forum and i want to pass all my parameters in the URL just like that :


And I would for :
  • forum/ -> list all the forums
  • forum/category-name -> list all the forum of this category
  • forum/category-name/forum-name -> list all the topics of this forum
  • forum/category-name/forum-name/topic-name -> all posts of this topic

And I would to do it automatically with the router. But this code doesn't run :

PHP Code:
$route['forum'] = 'forum/index';
$route['forum/(.+)'] = 'forum/index/$1';
$route['forum/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'forum/index/$2';
$route['forum/(:any)/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'index/$1/$2/$3'

with theses functions in the Forum Controller :

PHP Code:
     * Index avec toutes les catégories
public function index()

     * Index avec une catégorie spécifiée
     * @param null $id
public function cat($id NULL)
$id === NULL )
$title 'Forums';
$title 'Une catégorie';

$this->data array_merge($this->data, [
'title'         =>  $title,
'navigation'    =>  $this->my_site->page_navigation($title),
'flash'         =>  $this->my_site->page_flash(),
'forums'        =>  $this->forum_model->get_forums($id),


public function 
$forum $this->forum_model->get_forum_id($slug);

$this->data array_merge($this->data, [
'title'         =>  $forum['f_name'],
'navigation'    =>  $this->my_site->page_navigation($forum['f_name']),
'flash'         =>  $this->my_site->page_flash(),
'topics'        =>  $this->forum_model->get_topics($foru['f_id']),


I don't know if my method is right or if I have an error with my code but I would learn the best practice to do that Smile

Thank you very much Smile

Messages In This Thread
Place several elements in the router - by SquallX - 11-29-2014, 10:30 AM

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