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Table names, singular or plural

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
@John_Betong: Thanks for the clarification of my joke. I should have known 'six' would not be common usage outside the US. Yes, I meant that we, as programmers/coders, should beware of those who would try to enforce arbitrary standards on our work. I fear that we will see an 'FBC' created sometime in the future, if it doesn't exist already. The names of some large companies come to mind... (not joking).
And thanks for the link to the php_variables_test table! I've bookmarked it.

Also, since I haven't used DMZ, I did not realise that it enforces the use of singular and plural names between tables and models. Personally, I would not have forced the names to be different, it seems a lot of effort to make the human language syntax work. No offence intended, DMZ is an excellent tool!

If there is another reason for that particular naming convention, I'd appreciate hearing it.

Messages In This Thread
Table names, singular or plural - by El Forum - 04-04-2011, 04:34 PM
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Table names, singular or plural - by El Forum - 06-14-2011, 03:35 PM
Table names, singular or plural - by El Forum - 06-15-2011, 06:14 AM

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