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when using where and get with datamapper, it only returns one record even though multiple meet the condition

Hey all,

When I do this:


I have multiple records in my categories table where the field called controller has a value that is equal to what's in the current uri segment. So if segment 1 of uri is 'home', and I have multiple records in categories table with a controller value of 'home', I would expect all those records to be part of the returned value from the get call. However, it only returns the first record it finds that matches the where condition.

I looked over this document carefully:


But I am stumped how I can return multiple records that meet the where condition when using get.

Thanks for response.

Messages In This Thread
when using where and get with datamapper, it only returns one record even though multiple meet the condition - by El Forum - 04-08-2011, 09:23 PM

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