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SprintPHP - CodeIgniter Supercharged

(This post was last modified: 03-26-2015, 07:33 AM by kilishan.)

I think there's two questions being asked here, really.

The first - can you load other models or libraries from modules? Absolutely. Just prefix the name of the library/model/helper, etc with the name of the module. So, if you have a module named Members, and you want to load the user_model from that, you could do it like:


And then use it like you normally would.


Secondly - you're wanting to create an admin area using all of your modules. This is pretty simple, actually. The first step is to create a Routed Area. In your routes file add this:


Check the docs for exact details, but this will basically allow any module to have a controller called Admin that will be routed at http://example.com/admin/{module}. This also means that you don't really need to call code form other modules very often at all. Especially if you combine it with View Callbacks.

Messages In This Thread
RE: SprintPHP - CodeIgniter Supercharged - by kilishan - 03-26-2015, 07:28 AM

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