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No-CMS, A Free CodeIgniter based CMS to start your project

No-CMS 0.5.5 RC3 has been out !!!

There will be no feature addition after this version, until the 0.5.5 stable released.
Some new features here are:

* New grocery-CRUD which is now supporting template system & where clause in set_relation_n_n.
* main is now placed in module directory to make it more modular
* Some subjects in main management (so the caption will be Add User instead of Add record)
* New themes, including one with menu put on the top.
The theme templating system is more flexible. You don't have to have "header.php", "footer.php" etc. Just make the template the way you are comfort to
* Better installation. It is now using progress bar to not let you wait there and guess if everything has been finished or not.

That's all. Please report if you have some bugs or error, so that it can be fixed as soon as possible.

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No-CMS, A Free CodeIgniter based CMS to start your project - by El Forum - 08-25-2012, 08:24 PM

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