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No-CMS, A Free CodeIgniter based CMS to start your project

I've just make some improvement on No-CMS.

The first one is related to its performance. Accessing variables is considered faster than accessing databases and files. So, from now on The ci_sessions, configuration and language files will only be accessed in the first time call of a request. (e.g: the first $this->cms_username() will access the database, but the second call of the same function will access a variable)
The second one is related to new template system. The core is now fully using regex. In the new template system, you'll find a new branching tag. This way, I don't even need the table structure (something I'm afraid of). You can use:

{{ if language:indonesia }}
Show something that only be shown when your language is "indonesia"
{{ else }}
Show something that only be shown when your language is not "indonesia"
{{ end_if }}

The screenshot is available here: http://www.getnocms.com/2012/11/better-m...etter.html

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No-CMS, A Free CodeIgniter based CMS to start your project - by El Forum - 11-19-2012, 09:29 AM

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