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(newbie) User generated pages

Sorry, this is really a newbie question. I need to do an application which allows a registered user to create a page with a certain URI (which can be a subdirectory of the main page) with some content in it and a chosen url segment. I'm not sure how to proceed.
Here's what I thought:

- when you create the page, you store in the DB all the information regarding the page, plus the chosen url segment.

- when you access the page you pass the url segment as a parameter, the controller fetches all the data from the DB through the model and calls the view to generate the page.

Is this appropriate? Is there a better method to proceed?
Thank you!

Messages In This Thread
(newbie) User generated pages - by El Forum - 01-11-2008, 03:25 AM
(newbie) User generated pages - by El Forum - 01-11-2008, 04:04 AM
(newbie) User generated pages - by El Forum - 01-11-2008, 02:39 PM

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