(06-18-2015, 03:54 AM)isabella Wrote: CodeIgniter new update is really hard to implement on existing websites.Development team should make it easier.
I disagree. If you were talking about 3.1 or 3.2 then fair enough. But CI4, if the developers see good reason, should be free from the hassles, time and functionality constraints of upgrade considerations. If CI4 needs to be drastically different for any reason, then so be it. CI3 will still work, and if you want to take advantage of the CI4 benefits, then you do so at the cost of rewriting code. Otherwise you end up in a Microsoft position of supporting so many legacy systems that your new product is devoid of the real benefits it could have offered.
Personally, and I am not just brown nosing here, I have been really impressed with the CI3 release. So much so that I am really looking forward to CI4 and do hope it continues to evolve. In Darwinian terms, CI4 might well be a different species than CI3 so they may not mate easily or at all. If not, hey ho, new sites on CI4, old sites on CI3, whats the problem?
I still have sites built on CI2, as well maintaining older sites running ancient versions of JQuery or Bootstrap. If the client wants to pay for me to upgrade them I do, if not we muddle on. I want CI4 to be free to be the very best it can be without harking back to decisions taken a long time ago just so your upgrade experience is 'easy'.
It might be that CI4 goes in a direction I don't like. Again, so be it. I hope not, but developers put so much time and effort and expertise into development that to constrain them with legacy issues seems almost stupid. I personally learn so much from being dragged into new ideas and methodologies that I find new releases actually exciting and am sure CI4 will do the same. I still remember the awe I felt when CSS stylesheets first came to the fore back in the 90's and that feeling of 'ah, I get it now, wow, that is powerful'. Who would build a site without css now.
Oh, I suddenly feel really old :-(
Best wishes,