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redirect url helper redirect to localhost

(05-08-2015, 01:53 AM)rtorralba Wrote: Hi,

When a call a redirect url helper function this function as following:


redirect to http://localhost/index.php/controller/method

If I set base_url variable on config file works correctly and redirect to http://myvirtualhost.com/index.php/controller/method but this not was necessary on codeigniter 2 and can be a problem because we must to define a base_url per environment.


Did you create a route link in config/routes.php

$route['controller/function'] = "controller/function";
$route['controller/function/(:any)'] = "controller/function/$1";

May not be necessary but just checking
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Messages In This Thread
RE: redirect url helper redirect to localhost - by wolfgang1983 - 05-12-2015, 08:38 AM

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